Is there a career goals segment in the Oxford BCL / Cambridge LLM?


Is there a career goals segment in the Oxford BCL / Cambridge LLM where they ask candidates to indicate their future career aspirations? No mention is made on the Oxford BCL website.

Is there a career goals segment in the Oxford BCL / Cambridge LLM where they ask candidates to indicate their future career aspirations? No mention is made on the Oxford BCL website.

Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)!

Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)!

Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)!

Thanks! appreciate it:) Just curious, did this question (i.e its existence) catch you by surprise, considering literally no mention was made at all on the websites of both schools?

[quote]Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)![/quote]

Thanks! appreciate it:) Just curious, did this question (i.e its existence) catch you by surprise, considering literally no mention was made at all on the websites of both schools?
chicken so...

Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)!

150 characters? That's stricter than the limit for a Tweet!

[quote]Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)![/quote]
150 characters? That's stricter than the limit for a Tweet!

Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)!

Thanks! appreciate it:) Just curious, did this question (i.e its existence) catch you by surprise, considering literally no mention was made at all on the websites of both schools?

Oxford have quite a few scholarships which are specifically for aspiring barristers, so I guessed they would ask at some point. I doubt what you write in this box has any impact on whether or not you get admitted (unless maybe yout tell them you want to be porn star or something).

[quote][quote]Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)![/quote]

Thanks! appreciate it:) Just curious, did this question (i.e its existence) catch you by surprise, considering literally no mention was made at all on the websites of both schools? [/quote]

Oxford have quite a few scholarships which are specifically for aspiring barristers, so I guessed they would ask at some point. I doubt what you write in this box has any impact on whether or not you get admitted (unless maybe yout tell them you want to be porn star or something).

Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)!

Thanks! appreciate it:) Just curious, did this question (i.e its existence) catch you by surprise, considering literally no mention was made at all on the websites of both schools?

No probs :) Somehow yes, but it took me 10 seconds to complete that question.

[quote][quote]Yes, for both of them :) Though for Oxford the section is maximum 150 characters (not words)![/quote]

Thanks! appreciate it:) Just curious, did this question (i.e its existence) catch you by surprise, considering literally no mention was made at all on the websites of both schools? [/quote]

No probs :) Somehow yes, but it took me 10 seconds to complete that question.

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